Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday Schedule

Today we officially started the school year.

Here is the Monday Schedule for Shelby about 3-4 hours worth of work. Mondays and Fridays are her long days once she starts school on Wed's and I start working at Mothers Day Out in September. We are trying to get her used to this now.

Science - Magic School bus video and discuss plus science game if time
Circle time - Phonic games, calendar, days of week, months of the year etc
Story of the week - A living book to support our Science or History for the week or a Five in a Row book.
Handwriting without Tears
Explode the Code
Outside/snack time
Math - Right start Math, math games and workbook (right now Kumon but will change to Singapore soon)
History- Story of the World Ancients
Project- Each week we will use this time to work on subject projects. Right now we are doing a literature one and starting our Timeline
Bible - Obey this week!!
Free Read
Shelby did pretty well overall. She started getting restless at the end of the day BUT we did not start until 1:00 today due to a meeting I had this morning. This will not normally be the case.

Matthews Monday Schedule (he usually only spends 15 minutes at MOST on any subject) If he is not interested I set him up with puzzles, blocks, Gear toys, etc
Science - with Shelby
Circle Time- with Shelby
Story of the week- with Shelby
Handwriting without Tears
Explode the Code
Free play
Math- Right start Math (with Shelby) does not do workbook work
History- listens to story with Shelby
Project- Helps if interested in parts of projects
Bible-listens to story with Shelby and answers questions out loud
Matthew did well at the beginning and then fizzled off during History. Our Story this week is a History story and he DID listen to that. He did nothing with the Project today. Overall I think he did well though. I was impressed with how much he DID do for his age.

Abigail .... ran around playing with the kitchen, coloring, playing with the Ark and LOVED every minute of it

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