Matthew was so excited to start school. On the first day we sat down and went over the rules, where everything was in the classroom and decorated there binders. Matthew has not been looking forward to school but he leaned over to his sister halfway through the day and stated "I think I am going to love school this year".
The kids have done a great job with their work this week and so far we have pretty much stayed on schedule. The only thing we are behind on is History. The reason for this is that Shelby asked a question about Dinosaurs and Day 6 of Creation. This lead me on a trail of teaching Dinosaurs and the bible instead of Ancient history.
Hopefully we will get back on track on week 3. We were going to study Pre-History and dinosaurs at the end of the year anyway so it really will not take us off schedule at the end of the year.
This is what was completed this week.
Shelby read 5 stories out of her bible. "Creation" to "The Tall Tower"
In our bible workbook the kids are on day 6 of Creation. The kids really have been doing a great job with their bible journals.
We do a LOT of reading out loud. Shelby helps with the books she can and Mommy reads the rest. So far this week we have read:
"Charlotte's Web" chap 1-6
"Red Sails to Capri" chap 1-5 (we also put this on our Timeline and marked Capri on our world map)
"The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible" pg 1-23
Completed "Dinosaurs before Dark" plus these other Dino books in this picture
Shelby Completed 5 lessons in Horizons Math 1, 5 lessons in Horizons Phonics and Reading 1, Read 5 stories out of her Horizons reading Comp book and answered the questions, 5 lessons in Explode the Code 4, 5 lessons in Horizons Penmanship 1 and 3 in Singapore Math Standards 1
Matthew Completed 5 Lessons in Horizons Math K, 3 lessons in Explode the Code book 1, 5 lessons in Handwriting without tears, Read 5 Bob books, Read 5 lessons in Learn to read in 100 ez lessons.
For Science we learned about what is living and Not living. The kids collected living items outside including our new pet snail. We have learned that snails need to stay wet so we leave a little bit of water in it's cage. Shelby has left lettuce and canteloup for the snail to eat. There is also lots of wet dirt, leaves and grass in there.
We went swimming in our pool 3 times this week and they are learning how to tie their shoes.
The kids are also working on basic skills like cutting and grip for writing.
On our last day this week the kids created their own dinosaur. We learned that scientists only have the bones to go by when deciding what they look like. Nobody actually knows the color of a dinosaur or exactly what each one looks like since they have not seen it. They each made their own and put "tracks" in a clay ground.
We did not do any of our Spanish this week but will start next week.
Music this year is being done with the ebook "Poco a Poco". I LOVE this curriculum. It is fun and easy to teach. The kids learned what a quarter note is, musical staff, treble cleff and a measure. They also learned both a b and a note on their recorder and was able to read a piece of music to play these notes (all quarter notes and rests). It only had 4 measures but they did it. We have started learning the keys on the piano but the keyboard we were going to use broke. Now I have to either A) get a piano or B) get another keyboard so that they can learn. We are doing the best we can without anything for now.
In art we discussed Picasso and created our own Picasso picture. We put Picasso on our Time line as well.
Overall we had a great week and I believe we will have a really good school year.
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