Thursday, July 16, 2009

You are what you eat .... and how you smell

Since the kids have been born I have always introduced them to every type of food. Even the one's Mike and I do not like. This has produced Shelby who eats pretty much every fruit, veggie and bean there is. Matthew who likes the taste but because of texture issues only drinks his veggies and then eats most fruits (no beans yet). He is still working though. Abigail who only does not like peaches (so far).

Food here usually ends up with me making different things for everybody since Matthew has texture issues and Mike and I don't like lots of the foods Abigail and Shelby love.

Today for lunch though we had the following

Shelby and Abigail- turkey slices, string cheese, cucumbers and cantaloupe with water to drink
Matthew and I- peanut butter and jelly on wheat and fresh pineapple. Matthew drank his "Green Machine" by Neked (this stuff is a life saver).

The conversation I heard while we were eating was that Shelby was a cucumber and Matthew was a pineapple. They thought this was much cooler than being anything else since it makes them healthy. They then told me how strong they were and asked me how much they grew today.

They Shelby started talking about how the smell of the fruit came in her nose and then to her brain. Her brain then tells her what it smells like. She sat and talked to Matthew about this for about 15 minutes. They smelled his juice, his peanut butter jelly, his pineapple etc. Apparently the brain is like a robot and "computes" the smell info for the body! It amazes me how children learn things over the simplest thing. Where she got this ... I have no clue. I took advantage though and got out our pull tab body book after lunch and talked some more about their sense of smell and brain.

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